Obama Urges Israel, Hamas To Keep Peace In Gaza
Israel rejects Hamas offer for 24-hour timeout as rocket fire persists; IDF death toll rises ... convening 'friends of Hamas'; Gaza death toll said to climb above 1000, ... “Journalists wishing to enter Gaza are requested to remain at the entrance to ... of Israel's resumption of strikes, Hamas officials are now asking the UN's peace .... Barack Obama condemns Israeli settlement activity and the latest rocket attacks by Hamas militants. ... Obama criticises Hamas for refusing to renounce violence ... It is not right to prevent Palestinians from farming their lands; to restrict a student's ... There have been protests in the West Bank and Gaza. Runtastic PRO Running, Fitness v9.1.2 Apk
Israel rejects Hamas offer for 24-hour timeout as rocket fire persists; IDF death toll rises ... convening 'friends of Hamas'; Gaza death toll said to climb above 1000, ... “Journalists wishing to enter Gaza are requested to remain at the entrance to ... of Israel's resumption of strikes, Hamas officials are now asking the UN's peace .... Barack Obama condemns Israeli settlement activity and the latest rocket attacks by Hamas militants. ... Obama criticises Hamas for refusing to renounce violence ... It is not right to prevent Palestinians from farming their lands; to restrict a student's ... There have been protests in the West Bank and Gaza. 90cd939017 Runtastic PRO Running, Fitness v9.1.2 Apk
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President Obama calls on Israelis to see the world through the eyes of Palestinians ... Obama: 'We cannot give up' on peace for Israel, Palestine 08:07 ... but said Hamas, which governs Gaza, "has the responsibility to prevent" .... That has continued through the war in Gaza and the various calls for a ceasefire. ... That partly reflects administration disillusionment with the peace process, but ... After Hamas rejected the first Egyptian-Israeli ceasefire proposal ... a new ceasefire plan that didn't allow the Israelis to stay and that committed .... US President Obama supports Israel's right to self-defence, but warns ... Qatar to urge Hamas to accept the terms of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire with Israel. ... Israel-Palestinians: Blame and bitterness keeping peace at bay. Name that tune with Tunatic